SOAP Bible Method (Bible Study Tips For New Believers and anyone)
Let’s talk about one of my favorite Bible study tips: The SOAP Bible method. It’s important that we always learn better ways to interact with God’s Word, and how to study the Bible. What is the SOAP Bible method? What are the benefits of the SOAP Bible study? Who is it for? Let’s answer these questions.
Hurdles to Bible Study
It happens time and time again: you spend 15-30 minutes starting off your day reading your Bible, and you have nothing to show for it. Perhaps you remember the chapters you read, but not really of the content. Have you been there? I think it’s safe to say we all have.
How can we avoid this? Are we doomed to forget our precious time that we set aside each day reading the word of God? There are a lot of things we can do as Christian’s to maximize our time we spend reading and studying our Bibles, and I want to share one method with you today: the Bible SOAP method.
What is the SOAP Method?
The SOAP bible method is a game changer if you are like me and tend to forget what you read. This is a simple yet challenging way to engage with God’s word. It’s so simple and self explanatory that anyone can do it. Not only are others forgetful readers like me, but they may be asking themselves how to study the Bible in the first place. And that is why I am writing this article today. I have personally benefited from the SOAP Bible method and I want others to benefit as well. This is one the more important Bible study tips that I have learned in my walk with God.
The concepts in the SOAP Bible method encourage Christians focus on four key steps: Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.
How to Start the SOAP Bible Method
This is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God and dive into a deeper understanding of God’s Word and its relevance to your life. In order for this to work, we must understand what each letter of the acronym is asking for us to do. Let’s break down the SOAP Bible method acronym and see how we use these concepts:
Start by selecting a verse or passage that stands out to you in the section of scripture that you are currently reading. This can be done regardless of the size of what you are reading, from one or two verses, to hundreds. Just pick something that stands out to you.
Next, write it down. (At least the scripture reverence) This part is important so that you can not only find it later, but also so that you can engage with it differently than you normally do. Also, consider writing something like “SOAP Bible method” with the date at the top of the page to keep your journal organized.
Ponder and reflect on what the passage is saying. Note the original audience and setting for context when needed. (Understanding the context is the king of all bible study tips).
Add anything else here that stands out to you as you read through and ponder the section of scripture you have chosen.
Ask yourself how this verse applies to your life and what God may be trying to show you from this section of scripture. Do you feel led to make changes? Are you reminded of a great truth you have already learned? This is the place where you can write down why any of this matters to you in your life today.
Talk to God about the things you have just noticed in His word. Thank Him, ask for help, or communicate with Him whatever has been placed on your heart through your study.
Is that it?!
Yep! That is all there is to the SOAP Bible method. These concepts can certainly transform our Bible reading. Now, we have looked at how to start utilizing this method, but I would also like to talk about why we do it.
See, reading God’s Word was never meant to be just another chore that we are obligated to complete in our busy day, it’s much more than that. It's time that we set aside and get to hear from God. Studying God’s Word using the SOAP method is far more valuable than the fleeting satisfaction of crossing something off your checklist.
Benefits of the Soap Bible Study
Simply put, this way of studying the Bible allows you to go from passively reading, to actually engaging with God’s Word. When we are actively attentive and digesting God’s word, we are giving ourselves an opportunity to become saturated in it. Not only that, but it has been proven that the more we engage with content, the more we are actually able to recall that content. Isn’t that the point of reading God’s Word? As a Christian, it’s important that we remember the information that we read in our Bibles.
Another reason why I love the SOAP method so much, is the fact that you can look back to see how you have grown spiritually, observe how God has answered your prayers, and the all the study you have completed is available for you when you need it most. That could be in a trial, or a situation where a friend needs help, or like I experienced, you are called upon to preach a sermon with a very short notice and need something edifying for the congregation to hear.
The SOAP Bible method is helpful in all situations where you may need to recall or use things you have in your journal, simply because you have already done a lot of the leg work. You likely already understand the context and have already given some thought into how you, or others, could apply this scripture to your own lives.
You may say “Blake, these are great points. You have almost convinced me to start using the SOAP Bible method for studying God’s Word. However, as neat as it sounds, I just don’t know if I am the type of person who can benefit from this”. Let me clear, this is not just for pastors, writers, or theologians. This is for everyone. Bible study, for that matter, is for everyone.
Who Can Benefit from the SOAP Bible Method?
The beauty of the SOAP method is essentially anyone can do it right now. If you have access to paper and something to write with, (or even a phone or computer) you can begin employing this Bible study method right now. The barrier to entry is basically non-existent. Just for reference, here are 3 groups of people I believe can better learn how to study the Bible or become acquainted with Bible study for the first time:
New Believers
This will help you as you get your feet wet in scripture. This method will cause you to slow down and really take in this new world of God and His revelation to us. (His word). Additionally, I think this method will help you find your bearings in your Bible quicker as well. It will help you see the Bible for the bigger picture.
Busy Parents
Juggling work, church, and raising/ providing for a family takes at least 30 hours of your day. Kidding aside, us parents simply do not have that much time to take care of ourselves or make sure we are getting quality alone time with God. This method does not take long at all, and it’s far more beneficial than speed reading your daily portion of the Bible just to get it done. Even if you have to scale back the amount of scripture you read by introducing this method, you’ll gain in quality, which in my opinion far outweighs quantity. (It’s better to read a little bit of God’s Word and have it resonate with you, than to read a lot but all of it goes over your head)
Long Time Christians/Pastors/ Ministry Leaders
Wait, pastors need to use the SOAP method? YES! Here is why: Although pastors and ministry leaders are constantly studying God’s Word to make sure they are producing quality and accurate messages to the church, they simply cannot neglect their own personal time with God. I know what you are thinking, they are already studying so much, so this method won’t help them. That just simply is not the case. By having their own personal study with God that is separate from the ministry, they can make sure they are feeding themselves spiritually without the expectation of providing spiritual nourishment, or content, for the church. This allows them the chance to question things, wrestle with God’s Word, and ponder concepts, all without the pressure of an audience.
The SOAP Bible method is more than just some formulaic attempt to become more knowledgeable in God’s Word—it’s a way to transform your life and strengthen your relationship with God. The beauty of this method is that you can make it your own. You can make it exactly what you need it to be.
The magic in all this, is not doing the process just like me, or following directions; the real kicker here is the effort you put forth when reading God’s Word. Just like all legitimate Bible study tips, this is just a tool to help make your time reading the Bible more impactful. So what are you waiting for? Try the SOAP Bible method out today!